Tic Tac Toe
Ultimate game with AI, themes, sounds, and more!
X Wins: 0 |
O Wins: 0 |
Ties: 0
Time Elapsed: 0s
Move History
How to Use This Tic Tac Toe Game
- Set Up: Choose difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard) and theme (Light, Dark) from the dropdowns.
- Toggle Sound: Click "Sound: On/Off" to enable or disable move sound effects.
- Start Playing: Click a cell to place "X." The AI (O) responds automatically.
- Track Time: Watch the timer to see how long the game takes.
- View History: Check the move history below the board for past moves.
- Check Scores: See wins and ties in the scoreboard.
- Restart: Click "Restart Game" to reset the board and timer.
- Enjoy: Experience animations, sounds, and a challenging AI!
Tip: Beat the "Hard" AI for a real challenge—it’s unbeatable!